Custom Plan Designs

We know that each patient has unique needs and it can be a challenge to develop a prescription plan design that provides the comfort individual patients need while being fiscally responsible. At Elixir, we provide a consultative approach to help you develop custom program designs that work for your hospice and your patients.

Our industry experts work with you to deliver a plan that provides clinical and financial results, while remaining compliant with all regulations. We also provide ongoing insight, listening to your needs, then providing system enhancements, when needed, along with innovative programs. 

Our plan designs include:

  • Medication cost alerts
  • Coverage determination system alerts based on patient terminal and related diagnoses
  • Refill too soon percentages
  • Industry specific quantity and DS prior authorizations that result in cost savings
  • Hospice Preferred Network plan designs for improved efficiencies and cost savings 

We provide oversight of claims processing and the prior authorization process to substantially reduce our hospice partners' compliance and audit risk. Our flexible, nimble and responsive plan management has resulted in proven program designs that solve industry challenges.